Student mentors are wanted

for students at DTU, CBS, ITU and KU

  • need of a student job?
  • want to help a fellow student?

Become a student mentor
As a student mentor you will support a fellow student challenged by special needs e.g., autism, anxiety, or ADHD. Your assistance will help him or her manage their studies and day at campus. And at the same time, you will grow your own counseling and communication skills.

To be a student mentor you have to be:

  • enrolled in the same study as the mentee.
    DTU, CBS, ITU or KU and preferably attending the same study as the mentee.
  • on your 2. term or further in your program

Introduction to the job as student mentor
As part of the introduction to job as a student mentor for a fellow student with special needs, you will receive education regarding anxiety, ADHD and autism.

You will also receive counseling and supervision from professional trained psychologists.

Your tasks as student mentor:

  • assist your mentee regarding the special needs he/she has in terms of completing the education
  • break down assignments and curriculum into smaller sub-goals
  • help create overview of the semester: Examinations, assignments etc.
  • help the mentee understand expectations and requirements when in class and taking exams
  • support the mentee to reach out to fellow students in study groups etc.

Practical information

  • 20 hours pr semester
  • 138-145 DKK pr hour

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